Thursday, February 08, 2007

LaGuna Skimboarding madness

With the summer swell being minmal and local trend wave of skimboarding hitting town, the Laguna die hards decided to give skim boarding a go.. Basically this is when you run as fast as possible with a tiny flat board, thorw it down, jump on it and skim across the water to an on coming wave. Best spots are intense shore breaks..

Heres greggie doin a tail slide at a super secret spot.. Usually theres heaps of swell when everywhere else is flat..

Then B-rad, thought skim boarding was to physically demanding, so decided to go smash the shorey with "Talin"

and then we hit another seceret spot, way more intense.. with about a 3metre drop into the sea just where the wave breaks.. we only had enough balls to hit the smallest of the sets rolling through..

This was a real dangerous spot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some Epic shots!! And there were some intense skimboarding sections with some ball droping injury's.

I think you should get your toe checked out. People have died there man!

LaGuna has got nothing on these sessions!